Yarn wigs
I made some yarn wigs for a Halloween party a while back. It turns out they are great for pretend play. You need yarn, a few bits of fabric preferably felt, a needle with thread or a sewing machine and some elastic band. The red wig was very easy to make just use an elastic…
Stay home ideas 4
There so much happening in a lock down day. Today’s highlights were: cooking together, kids work out on YouTube, play in the rain with umbrellas and a splash in muddy puddles and foot spa fun. The last was the far the most fun part for my little ones.
Stay home ideas 2
Today’s ideas for the kids off school and nursery. 1. Early Easter egg hunt 2. Make & paint your binoculars with two toilet rolls
Ball garland, stay home ideas 1
Get some tape and balls from the ball pit and make garlands. Short activity, but they can use the tape several times so worth making a few attempts to practice colour sorting and various designs.